Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Present Situation...

Hey Friends!!..he3!..okey now im still in semester break..so i dont know what to do...like usual i Always

hang out with my friend at mamak stall from 12am-4am...we have a chat..sometimes we play snooker...and

im bad at it...always kalah one...ha3...and sometimes we play badminton until 4am..isnt it crazy

enough?..ha3!..i really really really miss all my bestie!!...hey bestiee!!...they decide to go to

hummm..sunway...i cant wait!!..aarrghhh!...and 10.12 rumors said our result will going out at that date..im

quite scared+excited = fever..ha3!...for now my swimming classs going good..im can swim a little bit..but not

so good...i tell my mom that i want to apply for shooting class...and my mom said "yes u can

haziq"...waaaa!..im sooooo happy!!...i hope its not gonna be too expensive!!...dont want to trouble my

parents to pay for it..ha3!...then..i really miss IPB..warrgghh!...this life is soo meaningful if got some

happiness in it...and for my bestie!...i love u guys!..Always!!..>_<...